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Luke Howsam

Software Engineer

Full stack deploy with dokku

Dokku whale logo

Dokku is an easy to use & cost-effective solution to deploying your application in a language-agnostic way. It's an open-source, self-hosted alternative to Heroku. Once everything is set up, we can simply use a bash script to deploy your app on your own server.

You can find a real-world example of a full-stack project that has been deployed using this method here


  • Choose a server
  • Install Dokku
  • Create the app
  • Install PostgreSQL & Redis
  • Configure ports
  • Configure domain, DNS & HTTPS
  • Deploy the app
  • Bash script deployment

Choose a server

Since this will be a self-hosted app, you need to have a server. A good choice would be AWS EC2 (which offers a free tier) and Digital Ocean (you can grab free credits for this). If you're not eligible for a free tier they tend to cost a few euros/dollars per month.

  • Choose Ubuntu as your Linux distribution

We will use a custom domain to deploy our app so make sure you've created a DNS A record of the domain or subdomain of your choice to the IP address of your server.

Install Dokku

Now that the server is up & running, we can connect to it via SSH and start installing the packages we will need. Run the following commands to install Dokku:

sudo apt install -y apt-transport-https 
sudo DOKKU_TAG=v0.26.5 bash

This typically takes a couple of minutes to finish. It will install all of the dependencies and start a web server (Nginx)

Create the app

Now that the server has Dokku installed the next step is to create an app. You should create an app for each API / app you want to deploy on your server.

dokku apps:create my-app

Install PostgreSQL & Redis

Since the app we are using as an example ( requires a PostgreSQL and Redis instance, we need to install it with Dokku. To do so we just have to install the following plugins:

sudo dokku plugin:install
sudo dokku plugin:install

Now that the relevant plugins are installed we can link them to our Node app:

# postgres
dokku postgres:create db
dokku postgres:link db app 
# redis
dokku redis:create cache 
dokku redis:link cache app 

Deploy your app

Now that our app & database are ready we can start to deploy our app for the first time. We need to create a Dockerfile and push this to Docker hub in order for our server to run this.


Open your favorite code editor

  • Create a new Docker repository by going to and clicking 'Create repository'
  • Create a Dockerfile (example here: tmtodos Dockerfile).
  • Build the docker image: docker build -t <user>/app:1.0.0 .
  • Push the image to Docker hub: docker push <user>/app:1.0.0


SSH back into your VPS

  • Pull the image you've just pushed to Docker hub: docker pull <USERNAME>/<API_NAME>:1.0.0
  • Tag the docker image: docker tag <user>/app:1.0.0 dokku/app:latest
  • Deploy the image via Dokku: dokku deploy app latest

Configure ports

We now need to ensure that our app is able to run on the port we specified in the Dockerfile you created (8000 in the example provided). We will assign a port to our app. This should match whatever you've exposed in your Docker image

dokku proxy:ports-add app http:80:<port in docker image>

Configure domain, DNS & HTTPS

At this stage, the DNS should have finished propagating to your domain by now if everything is configured correctly. Connect back to your VPS with SSH & Install Let's Encrypt so we can enable HTTPS support for your custom domain.

sudo dokku plugin:install
dokku config:set --global

Now that the Let's Encrypt plugin is installed we can go ahead and configure your domain and HTTPS for your app.

First, we need to remove any globally configured domains which have been automatically set by Dokku. This by default is the hostname of your VPS.

To make removing this easier we will rename the hostname of the VPS first:

sudo su - && hostnamectl set-hostname <new hostname>

Now that is done we can remove the globally configured domains"

dokku domains:remove-global <hostname> dokku domains:remove app <hostname>

Once that's done we can check if the global domain has been removed with:

dokku domains:report

Now we are ready to configure your domain & HTTPS for your app:

# set a custom domain that you own for your application
dokku domains:set app

# enable letsencrypt
dokku letsencrypt:enable app 

# enable auto-renewal
dokku letsencrypt:cron-job --add

Note: if you have any error during this step such as:

acme: error: 403 :: urn:ietf:params:acme:error:unauthorized

make sure that you have correctly configured your domain name so it points to your VPS IP.

If everything has worked correctly you should see a message such as

served key authenticated for ...

Now we can enable letsencrypt:

dokku letsencrypt:enable app

Deploy the app

Now we should all be set to deploy our app to production. Run the following command to deploy the latest:

dokku deploy app latest

At this stage, your app should be publicly accessible at the domain you defined with HTTPS support out of the box 😎 🎉

Bash script deployment

Obviously repeating the above steps isn't ideal when you want to deploy your app after you've made changes. To get around this I created a simple bash script that builds, pushes & deploys new code. You can find this here