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Getting started with aws-vault

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Why aws-vault?

When we are configuring the AWS CLI on our machines, it will save access key and secrets in plain text format in your home directory ~/.aws/credentials. As you can imagine, this becomes a big security concern as everyone knows where to look for your credentials, they're in plain text and anyone can scan/look for those keys. If you're unlucky, you've just given someone easy access to your account.

In order to prevent situations like this from happening, aws-vault comes to the rescue! aws-vault is an open source tool developed by 99Designs which is widely used to secure our AWS keys in an encrypted format.

Moreover, aws-vault maximizes security through transient credentials obtained from Amazon's STS service. These are procured via GetSessionToken and AssumeRole API calls and have a limited timespan. Since these credentials are temporary, the danger of becoming compromised is significantly reduced.

Getting started

Here's a quick starter on how you can get up and running with aws-vault

Setting up the tool

On mac OS, we can install aws-vault with one command:

brew install --cask aws-vault

Transfer any existing credentials

Move existing credentials to aws-vault:

cat ~/.aws/credentials
aws-vault add profile_1
aws-vault add profile_2

Pick an account to launch

To review all your available accounts run:

aws-vault list

To assume an account role:

aws-vault exec my_profile

Passwordless AWS console access

Another advantage of using aws-vault is that you can perform safe sign-in to the aws console. This saves the hassle of having to use your browser to navigate to aws. This command utilises your MacOS keychain and 2FA to authenticate you with your profile:

aws-vault login my-profile --duration 2h

Ending the session

To Safeguard against your account becoming comprimised you can terminate the vault session by pressing ctrl+d. In addition to this you can set short session durations to avoid being authenticated longer than necessary


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